Sunday, August 28, 2016

A FatChick's Goals

So, People are always telling me I have to have goals.  That I have to have the will power and the goals to get to where I want to be. Well today, I have a new goal, something that I'm pretty sure will continue to motivate me because it's something that annoys the living shit outta me.   What is it you may ask?   

Well I'll warn you, you may not like it, but it's something that I'm finding that I want because it's annoying. .... Ready?  You sure? Ok, don't say I didn't warn you... 


Yes that's right, I want to be able to fit into a Normal Decent Size Underwear!  Not these size 16 that I wear now and I get from WomanWithin because no one else sells my size.  I want to be able to pay $10 for a six pack of Undies and not $37 for a five pack.  I want to be able to wear underwear that fit nice, that doesn't leave a Gaping hole between my stomach and thighs.   I want to be able to go, "Oh how cute" and buy them.   

Yes that's it, I want to be able to finally wear a decent size Panties and have them fit just right and not this sometimes HUGE things I wear because I'm never sure how to judge because my fucking stomach hangs so low and is so large.  That's it.  So You know I'm going to work on it.  

Tonight I drank my last Pepsi, yes, folks I'm going to try and go cold turkey.  Tomorrow I'm going to eat less in a meal and eat more meals. No more pigging out at one meal and only having two meals.  Nope.  I'm going to try and snack healthier, I have some Zucchini and cucumber in the fridge that I'm going to do something with. I'm done with being the Obsessive Woman and I want to go down to just being "Fat Chick"   There is a different, if you don't know that well tough shit for you.  To me there is a Difference.  

So this FatChick is going to work on things and damned if I'm going to give up.   I will Fail, however I learned today that Fail stands for First Attempt In Learning.  End is not the end, in fact End means Effort Never Dies! And that's that!

- FatChick, The Mad Artist

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

How the Fat Chick Does it!

How the Fat Chick does it!

That's right folks, myself and a friend, maybe even a couple of friends decided to do a blog on the struggles, and journey to get fit from a 'Fat Chick' perspective.  I started using "Fat Chick Updates"  as a joke with myself when a few days ago I took the kids to the local beach here in Harrison, Budd Lake within Wilson State Park.   Well if you don't know what the Stairs looks like I will illustrate with some images below.

I had to, honestly, I had to pee and instead of driving home to go to the bathroom. I decided to get out of the Van and walk down the steps to the Public Restroom in the Pavilion that is located near the Beach.  I did it no problem going down, gave the boys a little time and then BOOM it was time to go, and so I called to them, allowing them out of the water and now the journey back up the stairs.  Let me tell you for someone of a heavy size and I'm heavy as I am 5'6" and 475lbs (or least I was last time I stepped on a scale).   Each step I could feel my body wanting to give out. I wanted to stop, my breathing went rapid, my heart started thudding in my chest, I felt like utter shit.   I made it up though, and back to the van where I proceeded to try and slow my heart and catch my breath all the while my legs and back and ass feels like it's on fire from the work out.

So I did it!  Yay! Go me, and that's when I started really thinking about it.  That's when I really decided that I needed to change my lifestyle and to quit (excuse the language) but Fucking around with my health, as I want to not only be around to see great nephews and nieces but have children of my own.   It's time Care, that's what I said to myself. It's time to quit fucking around and get started on the journey to a long and healthy lifestyle.

I tried a few months back, I tried to do the weight lose to get baratric surgery, but honestly, going under the knife for being fat and getting the help, just scared the shit out of me. So I quit.  I quit everything.  But now, my mind is made up, yesterday I did the stairs not once, but Twice!   That's right this Fat Chick did the stairs to the beach twice, that was twice going down and back up. But I noticed something yesterday, my breathing wasn't as bad the second time around.  So in my head I know I can do this.

I kind of got off that explanation but you know what? Screw that I'm going to use this as a place for our thoughts, and struggles.  And if you can't be supportive and help us through these times, then you need to step the fuck off and leave period as we don't need or want you in our lives. 

Fat Chick - The Mad Artist Out...